Social and Private Housing Affordability Tables for the Benefits System
by Gareth Morgan on August 22, 2013
I’ve uploaded the first version of these tables. They cover all GB local authority areas and demonstrate the impact of the benefits cap on a range of family types using local housing costs. The tables quantify shortfalls in benefit, because of the cap, in both the HB capped scheme and the Universal Credit cap. They also include tables showing the full impact of the bedroom tax in each local authority, the BRMA figures for each area and tables of private and social rent levels for each area.
This is a substantial download, about 7.5Mb, and I wouldn’t suggest printing them out too often either as there are over 350 pages.
You can download it here.
I’m now working on the impact of a possible £20,000 cap, as has been suggested might be a policy aim in the next parliament, and that should be done in a couple of weeks. Keep checking here for my usual frequent updates.
I’m going to be at the Social Housing Conference in September if anyone would like to talk more about the implications of the figures.
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