A request for help and comment

by on April 24, 2024

This is a plea for help ( perhaps that’s a bit dramatic?)

As well as Ferret’s core benefits and other calculation systems and models (see https://www.ferret.co.uk/) we produce a number of more task focused ‘reckoners’. These little helpers tackle the odd calculations or assessments you might need when you’re dealing with different scenarios.  They include such things as working out when someone reaches pension age, tax and NI calculations, Universal Credit pay periods effects and the effects on income and benefits of changing pay or hours.  A comprehensive list of these resources is available at https://www.webreckoners.com. Many of these tools are offered at no cost, and access to the entire collection is available for a modest fee of 24p per week for individuals.

We are adopting this methodology with a new focus on individuals rather than on benefits, which introduces some complexities. This person-centric approach is inherently more open-ended, posing challenges in testing due to the extensive range of potential scenarios it encompasses.

I’d like to invite readers of this blog, as a self selecting group of people with an interest in the area, to cast their eyes over a couple of things that we’re developing and to comment, or break, them. Your insights would be invaluable in enhancing these tools through an iterative process aimed at achieving accuracy and utility.

We are currently focusing on two specific tools:

  • A transitional protection reckoner for those transitioning from legacy benefits to Universal Credit.
  • A Welsh financial support reckoner.

We are keen to receive feedback regarding the usability and accuracy of these reckoners. Please feel free to contact me directly at gmorgan@ferret.co.uk.

Thanks for your help


Universal Credit

The accelerating move of legacy benefit claimants to Universal Credit is causing confusion and, according to welfare benefits advisors, very frequent errors in assessing protection amounts. This reckoner will provide the figure that should be used.

The reckoner can be found at bit.ly/UCTPReckoner

Welsh Financial Support

We are well aware that there are many different support schemes, from Welsh Government, NHS, agencies, local authorities and many other bodies including utilities which could help people in need in Wales.  All of these, understandably, have conditions for accessing them and many of these, while differing in detail, make use of similar requirements.

We are working on a demonstrator that shows what could be easily achieved in this area. The goal is not to ascertain precise entitlements, which often require detailed and extensive information, but rather to provide indicators that can help individuals identify likely benefits and decide if formal applications are warranted.

What we are trying to do is to put together a set of indicators that can be quickly and simply completed by individuals which will provide pointers to likely entitlements and, in particular, identify the broad range of schemes for which they may qualify. When those are identified  it will be more likely that it is worth making formal applications, providing the additional data that would be required.

The demonstrator, which is more than a proof of concept but less than an advice tool, can be found at  bit.ly/WelshBenefitsGuide

We’d be very grateful for any comments or suggestions that you might have about this approach and what should be included,



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